
Campsites are arranged by distance of the city from the center of Zlin (from the nearest to distant ones)

bed capacity - bed capacity

accommodation with a dog is possible - dogs allowed

Počet kol, která je možno uschovat - bicycle capacity

Resort & Camp Dešná

Resort Dešná, Slušovice
Phone number: +420 577 222 555, e-mail: info@resort-desna.cz, recepce@resort-desna.cz,
accommodation with a dog is possible

Rekreační středisko Pahrbek

Pahrbek 735, Napajedla
Phone number: +420 731 102 690, e-mail: recepce@pahrbek.cz, www.pahrbek.cz
accommodation with a dog is possible

Autocamping Luhačovice

Výsluní 400, Luhačovice
Phone number: +420 739 112 116, +420 604 489 243,e-mail: lubosnovosad@seznam.czwww.atcluhacovice.cz
accommodation with a dog is possible


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