Swimming pools


City Spa Zlín

50 m bazénHradská 888, Zlín
Phone number: +420 577 599 911, e-mail: info@laznezlin.cz, www.laznezlin.cz

Outdoor and indoor swimming pools, swimming pool for children, sauna, massages, gym, spinning, diving school, water aerobic...


Zelené Outdoor swimming pool

koupaliště ZelenéBroučkova, Zlín
Phone number: +420 577 226 088, +420 577 599 911, www.laznezlin.cz

An outdoor swimming pool, swimming pool for children, helter-skelter, slides, whirlpool, attractions, climbing wall, badminton.


Panorama Outdoor swimming pool

koupaliště PanoramaJižní Svahy, Zlín-Jižní Svahy
Phone number: +420 577 226 022, +420 577 599 911, www.laznezlin.cz

Outdoor swimming pools, a swimming pool for children, helter-skelter,  slide, relaxation pool.

Outdoor swimming pool in Louky

Koupaliště LoukyChlumská 396, Zlín-Louky
Phone number: +420 577 105 004, e-mail: jarda.otevrel@seznam.cz

An outdoor swimming pool, a children swimming pool, 2 slides for children.


Outdoor swimming pool by Hotel Lázně Kostelec

Lázně KostelecKostelec 493, Zlín-Kostelec
Phone number: +420 577 152 111, e-mail: info@hotel-kostelec.cz, www.hotel-kostelec.cz

Outdoor swimming pools with a warm water, a children swimming pool, whirpool, a children´s playground, miniature golf, sauna, tenis, volleyball, foot tennis, pétanque, golf school.





Baťov-Otrokovice City outdoor swimming pool

Mánesova 1629, Otrokovice
Phone number: +420 605 588 308, www.otrokovice.cz

Outside swimming pool with a warm water, swimming pool for children, volleyball, foot tennis, slide, ping-pong.

DUHA Pozlovice Outdoor swimming pool

Duha PozloviceHlavní 51, Pozlovice (by Luhačovice dam)
Phone number: +420 724 179 343, +420 577 113 071
e-mail: duha@pozlovice.cz, www.duha.pozlovice.cz

An outdoor swimming pool, a swimming pool with atractions, helter-skelter, climbing wall, a children swimming pool, playground for children.

Sazovice Outdoor swimming pool

Sazovice - areál Na Koupalištian area "Na Koupališti", Sazovice 222
Phone number: +420 725 121 953 
e-mail: info@nakoupalisti.czwww.nakoupalisti.cz

An outdoor swimming pool with a slide, a children swimming pool, playground with fitness machines, tenis, badminton, playground for children, indoorCycling.


Sehradice Outdoor swimming pool

Sehradice 64, Dolní Lhota
Phone number: +420 725 121 142, www.sehradice.cz

An outdoor swimming pool, trampoline, swings.


Recreation center Štěrkoviště

třída Tomáše Bati 1567, Otrokovice
Phone number: +420 727 844 019, www.otrokovice.cz

Artificial water reservoir, beach with grass, helter-skelter, swimming pools for children, volleyball, foot tennis, miniature golf.

Lido Všemina

Activitypark hotel VšeminaVšemina 300, Slušovice
Phone number: +420 577 116 611, e-mail: recepce@vsemina.czwww.vsemina.cz

Coasts and beaches with grass on them.

In the hotel next to the lido - inside swimming pool, tennis, bike and four-wheelers rental shop, bowling, relax center, paintball, zorbing, horse riding.

Lido Pahrbek-Napajedla

Pahrbek 735, Napajedla
Phone number: +420 577 943 554

Natural beach, volleyball and foot tennis playground, Pedal boats and boats rental shop.

Luhačovice dam

Natural beach, paddle boats and boats rental shop, in-line path ower a whole dam, scenic rides with a small train (from Luhačovice), fishing, cyclopath, playground for children, educative sidewalk, restaurants.

A querry in Kurovice

GPS: 49.2736039N, 17.5219281E

Former lImestone querry with stone and grass place.


Indoor swimming pool Plovárna Luhačovice

Plovárna LuhačoviceSolné 1090, Luhačovice
Phone number: +420 733 710 355, e-mail: info@plovarnaluhacovice.czwww.plovarnaluhacovice.cz

An indoor swimming pool, an experience swimming pool, a children swimming pool, whirlpool, steam chamber. 

Waterpark Uherské Hradiště

Aquapark Uherské HradištěSportovní 1214, Uherské Hradiště
Phone number: +420 572 503 054, e-mail: info@aquapark-uh.czwww.aquapark-uh.cz

An indoor swimming pool, a children swimming pool, steam chamber, a fun pool, 2 whirlpools, 2 helter-skelters (and the longes helter-skelter in MOravia - 185,6 m long X-Tube), summer waterpark, playground and sports ground, volleyball and foot tennis, discgolf, garden chess, table tennis, swings, wellness center with saunas and massages... 

Waterpark Delfín

Slovácké náměstí 2377, Uherský Brod
Phone number: +420 572 619 541, +420 739 510 624, e-mail: info@delfinub.czwww.delfinub.cz

An indoor waterpark. Helter-skelter, whirlpool, a fun pool, children swimming pool, children world, an indoor swimming pool, sauna, massage.
Outside the area of the waterpark there is a city outdoor swimming pool with children swimming pool, a volleyball playground, free wi-fi. 

Indoor swimming pool in Valašské Meziříčí

Valašské Meziříčí - krytý bazénKouty 803, Valašské Meziříčí
Phone number: +420 571 610 740, www.bazenvm.cz

Swimming pool, whirlpool, helter-skelter, sauna, steam chamber, infra chamber, massage, tanning salon.