1. Bojkovice
GPS: N 49°2.31867', E 17°48.89233'; 40,5 km from Zlin
The most significant sight is the castle Nový Světlov with park. In the town, there is also the museum of the Bojkovice region with expositions showing the history as well as the new era of the region.
Information center
Palackého 172, Bojkovice
Phone number: +420 739 202 813, www.bojkovice.cz
2. Hrad Buchlov
GPS: N 49°6.43140', E 17°18.66248', 40 km from Zlin
Polesí 418, Buchlovice
A significant king castle that was established on the rock ridge of the viewing hill in the area of Chřiby around the first half of 13th century. It was established by a Czech king as a strategically defensive fortress and a centre of administration with judicial powers and the hunting law. The last owners of the manor were Berchtoldové from Uherčic who owned the manor from 1800 to 1945. Since the first half of 19th century they altered the castle to a public access museum for which they have bought large amounts of collections.
Phone number: +420 572 595 161, e-mail: buchlov@npu.cz, www.hrad-buchlov.cz
3. Buchlovice
GPS: N 49°5.17630', E 17°20.31118'; 35,9 km from Zlin
Buchlovice castle – it is said that when Jan Detřich from Petřvald brought in his wife of Italian origin called Anežka Eleonora from Colonna-Fels in 1692 to Buchlov, he was unable to create in the castle an environment that she was used to hence he decided to build for her a brand new castle. Whether it really was so or not nobody knows today but the castle can be still admired today.
Right next to the garden in which the castle is found the castle horticulture and a small zoo adjoins it which is an inseparable part of the castle just like the omnipresent peacocks- the coat of arms of the founders of Buchlovice castle the counts of Petřvald.
Leopoldov spa resort – a well-known spa that can be found in the locality called Smraďavka. It was founded in the first half of the 19th century and even nowadays it is a sought after place designed for physical and mental relaxation. In the vicinity, you can have a swim in the dam, try fishing or cycle.
Information center
náměstí Svobody 24, Buchlovice
Phone number: +420 572 595 996, www.tic.buchlovice.cz
4. Hostětín
GPS: N 49°2.99505', E 17°52.76428'; 39,2 km from Zlin
The municipality that is widely known due to its use of environmentally friendly technologies. You can see a passive house, heating centre using biomass energy, bio must factory providing the possibility to purchase a fresh must, fruit dryer or root clearing place that holds guided tours and eco-activities. An educational trail called "Po zelené Hostětínem o ekologických projektech v obci" (Follow the green sign through Hostětín - about ecological projects in the village) leads through the town and around the town there is an educational trail called "Naokolo Hostětína - jak se tu dřív žilo, pracovalo a jak se slavily svátky" (Around Hostětín - how people used to live, work and celebrate the holidays). Visitors attention will also be drawn to the wooden statues located in the vicinity of Hostětín, which were established during an international statue symposium.
5. Kunovice
GPS: N 49°2.69928', E 17°28.20635'; 30,6 km from Zlin
Visit Letecké muzeum (Aviation Museum) with over twenty exhibits among which you can also find the prototype of the L-610 machine that was never produced. Should you wish to go flying after the visit to the museum come to visit Slovácký aeroklub Kunovice, which offers sightseeing flights and tandem jumps.
Information center
Na Rynku 886, Kunovice
Phone number: +420 572 549 999, www.mesto-kunovice.cz
6. Modrá
GPS: N 49°6.72128', E 17°24.20395'; 30,7 km from Zlin
In the municipality Modrá you will find several interesting places. Archeoskanzen Modrá – the biggest early middle ages archaeological open-air museum in the Czech Republic which represents the resemblance of a Slavonic fortified village from the times of Great Moravia. In its close neighbourhood, you can then find another destination sought after by tourists - Živá voda Modrá (Living Water in Blue). In a unique underground tunnel made of glass you can admire the ecosystem of the River Morava. From a close up you will see huge fish that you would not have heard about by then – such as the catfish or beluga sturgeon. In the Terrarium Skanzen you can see one of the most extensive terrarium expositions of the Czech Republic with more than a hundred exotic animals. Nearby the open-air museum, you can also find the church of St. Jan, from which you will have a beautiful view of the surrounding lakes and Velehrad. Above the municipality, you can see a wooden viewing tower called Modrá which is otherwise known as Židoviny. On the way to or from Modrá you can visit the municipality Jalubí, in which a pleasant swimming pool and a unique wind-mill may be found.
7. Moravské Kopanice
Moravské Kopanice is a very specific area of Bílé Karpaty close to the eastern border with Slovakia. It is created by five municipalities - Starý Hrozenkov and villages with widespread habitation called Žítková, Lopeník, Vyškovec and Vápenice. The name "Kopanice" comes from the fact that the ground used to be maintained by digging. The relationship of the locals to their beautiful natural surroundings has projected itself into a distinctive folk culture, folk songs and embroidered folk costumes. In many places, typical distinctive dwellings can be seen.
TIP! Lately, it is the municipality Žítková which is well-known. It became well-known due to its goddesses that used to prophet here and that were materialized in the well-known book Žítkovské bohyně. In the municipality, you can also find producers of sheep milk and cheeses and feast by the amazing views.
Information center
Starý Hrozenkov 314, Starý Hrozenkov
Phone number: +420 572 696 323, www.iskopanice.cz
8. Ostrožská Nová Ves
GPS: N 49°0.26032', E 17°26.17910'; 35,8 km from Zlin
The municipality is known due to its clear gravel sand lakes and sulphur spa resort established in 1930.
9. Osvětimany
GPS: N 49°3.34628', E 17°14.98090'; 42,9 km from Zlin
A community with a viticulture tradition lying on the slope of Chřiby and known due to the archaeological location - hora sv. Klimenta (St. Kliment Hill), that probably used to serve to St. Cyril and St. Metoděj and their students as a place to contemplate. At the top of the hill is Hradisko sv. Klimenta, a national cultural monument, where the base of a church and wooden chapel can be found. In the municipality, you can also find a natural swimming pool and a skiing slope.
10. Staré Město
GPS: N 49°4.67557', E 17°26.66533'; 26,2 km from Zlin
Staré Město offers many possibilities to entertain. You can visit the monument Památník Velké Moravy or an archaeological location Sady - Špitálky. The premises of Kovozoo (Metal Zoo) that can be found in an interesting and untraditional environment of the renovated premises of the former brewery is designed mainly for the children. You can see many uniquely elaborated animal in their real life-size made out of metal waste. They surprise many of the visitors by their sophistication and perfection. Currently, in the KOVOZOO live over 170 animals and it keeps getting larger. Part of the premises is also Maják Šrotík, boat Naděje or the plane L-610.
Information center
náměstí Velké Moravy 2190, Staré Město
Phone number: +420 739 944 599, www.eventcentrum.cz
11. Strání
GPS: N 48°54.12947', E 17°42.40272'; 51 km from Zlin
The municipality is interesting mainly due to its folk and cultural traditions – in February the well-known Fašank is organized here as well as Strání celebrations. It is the biggest carnival festival of Czech traditions. The church of Povýšení svatého Kříže dominates the municipality. The district Květá is known for the production of glass – you can participate in an excursion to the glass factory. In the vicinity of the municipality, there are several marked cycling as well as walking trails such as the educationial trail Květná or the trail leading to the highest top of Bílé Karpaty called Velká Javořina which offers interesting views of the surroundings and also a mysterious virgin forest. Nearby the municipality you can visit the viewing tower Obecnice or the viewing tower U Křížku.
Information center
Rubanice 877, Strání
Phone number: +420 572 695 240, www.strani.cz
12. Tupesy
GPS: N 49°5.05615', E 17°22.18963'; 32,4 km from Zlin
Inside the building that used to serve to make ceramics, you can now find the Muzeum Tupeské keramiky (Museum of Tupeš Ceramics). It includes a period exhibition "obydlí hrnčíře", which gives details about the way of life and work of a potter at the break of 19th and 20th century. It is linked to the building with a new exposition that gives evidence about the history and technology of the production of majolica ceramics in Tupesy. Through the yard, there is located the current production of ceramics and the shop with sample ceramics goods.
TIP! For the interested ones, the museum offers the possibility to handmake your own ceramics for example one’s own mug.
13. Uherské Hradiště
GPS: N 49°4.18498', E 17°27.58113'; 27,6 km from Zlin
It is the centre of Slovácko region as well as a town with many Great Moravian monuments, rich in history and the town is a protected area. Among the most interesting ones you can visit is the church of St. Františka Xaverského, the old town hall with the leaning tower, some baroque burgher houses, the chapel of St. Alžběty, the Jewish synagogue or the Franciscan monastery. The natural and culture-historical premises of Park Rochus where you can apart from the beautiful scenery find the chapel of St. Rocha provides a unique experience. Slovácké muzeum (The Museum of Moravian Slovakia) in Uherské Hradiště is also worth a visit with its permanent exposition about the Slovácko region. Should you like to freshen up you can use the Aquapark Uherské Hradiště. There is also an educational trail Kunovský les (Kunovice Forest), which leads through the suburban recreational forest of the town Uherské Hradiště. The trail starts close to the cycle trail in the housing estate Štěpnice by the opening called Jelení louka (Deer Meadow), where you can find the introductory signpost with the description of the trail and other information.
Information center
Masarykovo nám. 21, Uherské Hradiště
Phone number: +420 572 525 525, www.uherske-hradiste.cz
14. Uherský Brod
GPS: N 49°1.50780', E 17°38.82903'; 27,9 km from Zlin
It is a kings’ town where “the teacher of the nations” J. A. Komenský spent his childhood. The most significant places can be visited while walking along the educational trail through the town´s protected area – the temple of Mistr Jan Hus, the town hall, the manor house, a Jewish cemetery or the church and monastery of Nanebevzetí Panny Marie. You should not miss the Muzeum J. A. Komenského (Museum of J. A. Comenius). And should you be interested more in “the teacher of nations” you can visit other of his said birthplaces - Nivnicie or Komňa. Should you long to rest you can visit the Aquapark Delfín.
Information center
Mariánské nám. 2187, Uherský Brod
Phone number: +420 572 805 125, www.cojevbrode.cz
15. Uherský Ostroh
GPS: N 48°59.13348', E 17°23.39067'; 40,1 km from Zlin
Among the most significant sights, it is the baroque church of St. Ondřeje and a chateau which is together with the historical town square a town protected area. It offers a historical guided tour connected with the visit of the chateau tower, tour of the underground or the chateau gallery. Inside the chateau, you can also find a workshop in which the folk costumes and their parts are made and sold. The lord’s brewery is worth a visit, the oval bridge and the Jewish cemetery. The town lies near Bata´s canal and there is also a port and also the sought after cycle trail connecting Kroměříž and Hodonín runs through here.
Information center
Zámecká 24, 687 24 Uherský Ostroh
Phone number: +420 572 503 960, www.uhostroh.cz
16. Velehrad
GPS: N 50°4.74457', E 14°27.22287'; 30,5 km from Zlin
It is a significant pilgrim place dominated by buildings such as the arch of Moravian baroque, the monastery complex with the basilica of Nanebevzetí Panny Marie and sv. Cyrila a Metoděje. The national cultural heritage site contains a richly decorated interior, baroque chorus desks and an organ from the mid-18th century. Cyclists can use a beautiful cycle trail leading to the municipality Salaš, which can be found 5 km away from Velehrad. Further on the cyclists can carry on to the beautiful scenery of the mountains Chřiby for example to the highest hill Brdo (586,9 meters above sea level), where there is a stone viewing tower or to the recreational centre Bunč, which is an important crossroad for hiking trails.
Information center Velehrad
U Lípy 302, Velehrad
Phone number: +420 571 110 538, www.velehradinfo.czTourist information center Velehrad
Salašská 328, Velehrad
Phone number: +420 723 984 080, www.velehrad.cz
17. Vlčnov
GPS: N 49°0.59380', E 17°34.90972'; 36,5 km from Zlin
The municipality is well known due to the Jízda králů (Ride of the Kings), which has been listed by UNESCO since 2011. You can also find the wine "búd“ (cellars) which is a type of building on the trail Kojiny – protected area. The local press plants here that are without cellars represent a unique type of winery buildings which can be found only in Uherský Brod area. In the municipality, you can also see houses with a traditional blue plinth and white make up the majority of which are still lived in. You can also visit the Muzeum lidových pálenic (Museum of Folk Distilleries). Close to the municipality Veletiny there is a part of the wine trail Uherskohradišťská vinařská stezka (Wine Trail of Uherské Hradiště). The cycle trail towards Vlčnov leads along the protected area of folk architecture consisting of 16 wine “búd” (cellars) from mid-19th century. In the municipality you can also have refreshments in the local pub. Close to the municipality of Hluk is known due to "Dolňácké slavnosti" (Dolňácké Festivities) with Jízda králů (Ride of the Kings) and also due to the series called "Slovácko sa nesúdí" which was filmed here. You can also visit the museum, which shows the local architectural findings and documents the local folk costumes and folk customs. The memorial houses number 283 and 284 exhibit the way of living in farmers’ buildings from the 17th to the mid-20th century.
Information center
Hlucká 186, 687 61 Vlčnov
Phone number: +420 572 675 130, www.kskvlcnov.cz/informacni-centrum
Baťa canal
A unique water trail Bata´s canal runs also through Slovácko area. A peaceful cruise along the canal can be connected with a visit to wine cellars, trips around the historical monuments or cycling along the beautiful cycle trail that leads right along the canal. Currently, it is even possible to cross the border crossing and get on the boat to the port in Slovakia´s Skalice.
Wine tourism
The area is also known for the wine tourism – among the well-known wine municipalities, you can find in Polešovice, Kudlovice (in which you will find 17 wine cellars), Zlechov, Boršice or Břestek.