1. Bystřička
GPS: N 49°24.91873', E 17°58.43935'; 46,3 km from Zlin
There is a dam in Bystřička which is a popular recreational place with a sand beach. Hiking lovers can walk along the marked tourist trails that lead along Vsetínské vrchy. The educational trail of Jan Karafiát which starts in Valašské Meziříčí ends by the dam.
2. Francova Lhota
GPS: N 49°12.10450', E 18°6.70487'; 41,8 km from Zlin
The church of St. Štěpán Uherský from 1787 dominates the town. The modern belfry from 1989 is very interesting as it has a glockenspiel that consists of eight bells and can play ten various melodies. In the upper part of Francova Lhota there grows the most massive monumental tree in CHKO Beskydy called Kobzova lime tree which is connected with many fables. On Čubův kopec (Čuba Hill) that can be found 1,5 km to the east of Francova Lhota, there is a 16 meter high wooden viewing tower. In the vicinity of the municipality, you should not miss Čertovy skály in Lidečko and rock formations in Pulčín or in Lačnov.
TIP! In the spring months in the vicinity of Lačnov ten thousand saffron flowers bloom which are said to have been brought in by Napoleons army.
Information center
Pulčín 13, 756 14 Francova Lhota
Phone number: +420 571 458 237, +420 734 692 285, www.francovalhota.cz
3. Horní Lideč
GPS: N 49°10.87287', E 18°3.65952', 39,4 km from Zlin
In the municipality, you can find monuments of folk architecture, a wooden granary with a gallery, old wooden houses, forge or replicas of timbered dwellings and a wooden belfry from 1771. The region of the municipality there is the new-age church of St. Václav, and in its neighbourhood there is a unique mechanical Bethlehem – there are 220 figures – out of which 65 are mobile – and over a hundred carved buildings such as for example Svatý Hostýn, Velehrad, castle Buchlov, chateau Buchlovice or Radhošť.
Information center
Horní Lideč 115
Phone number: +420 737 701 047, www.betlemhornilidec.cz
4. Karolinka
GPS: N 49°21.07662', E 18°14.40373'; 56 km from Zlin
The town is known for its folk architecture, glass factory and exceptional conditions for tourism. Valašské dřevěnice which is a family complex of 26 timbered buildings at the beginning of the Raťkov valley count among the most precious complexes of folk buildings preserved on their original spot. There is also the church of Panna Marie Karelská with the tallest wooden sculpture of Madonna in the Czech Republic (253 cm), which is listed in the Guinness book of records.
Information center
Radniční náměstí 42, Karolinka
Phone number: +420 739 322 851, www.karolinka.cz
5. Lešná u Valašského Meziříčí
GPS: N 49°31.23325', E 17°55.80250'; 59 km from Zlin
A stronghold that used to stand there in the middle ages was probably on the break of 16th and 17th century rebuilt into a late renaissance one storey chateau with four wings and arcade courtyard that later on gained an empire style resemblance. The current shape of the castle dates to 19th century when the 7hectare English park around the chateau was built. It is one of the richest parks with the widest variety of timber species in Northern Moravia.
On the chateau, there are two permanent exhibitions - historical rooms with original furniture and exhibition about environmental education.
You can also find another place of interest in the municipality – the church of st. Michael with two chapels and a rare organ.
6. Nový Hrozenkov
GPS: N 49°20.21812', E 18°11.87608'; 52 km from Zlin
Places of interest here are the many timbered cottages from the first half of 19th century. In cottage number 451 there is a memorial to A. Strnadl, a well-known painter from the Valašsko region. In the municipality, there is also a beautiful natural swimming pool "Na Stanoch". In this area, you can find for example a well-known destination for winter and summer tourism - Kohútka.
Information center
Nový Hrozenkov 451, Nový Hrozenkov
Phone number: +420 571 451 806, +420 606 783 442, www.novyhrozenkov.cz
I. czech-slovak information center
Lazy pod Makytou 1133, 020 55 Lazy pod Makytou - Slovensko
Phone number: +420 571 160 800, www.kohutka.info
7. Pustevny, Radhošť
GPS: N 49°29.30833', E 18°15.88227'; 85 km from Zlin
Pustevny is a sought after centre both in summer and in winter. It is also an important crossroad of hiking trails, one of the eastern points to the mountain Radhošť and also an entry to the trail Radegast and Čertův Mlýn. You can get there either by car or by public transport from Prostřední Bečva. The buildings in Pustevny (such as the old Pustevna, so-called "útulny" – tourist cottages Libušín and Maměnka, belfry and the viewing tower Cyrilka) belong among the nations cultural heritage. In the winter as well as in the summer you can use the cable car that is connected to the skiing resort Pustevny.
www.pustevny.cz, www.vmp.cz, www.libusin-mamenka.cz
8. Soláň
GPS: N 49°23.38762', E 18°14.63963'; 67 km from Zlin
Soláň belongs among the inhabited hills which is a rarity nowadays. It is connected with many fables and songs, many artists lived there. You can also enjoy the view at the ridge of Javorníky mountains, Radhošť, Beskydy ridge or Lysá hora. At the top of the hill, you will find the youngest building in Soláň. It is the seat of the information and art centre. At the end of 2015, a new gallery Ateliér U Hofmanů was opened in Soláň with its permanent exhibition Legends of Soláň.
Soláň is a starting point of many tourist trails.
Information center
Bzové 325, Karolinka
Phone number: +420 604 824 274, www.zvonice.eu
9. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm
GPS: N 49°27.48430', E 18°8.53422', 66 km from Zlin
The town lies on the foothills of the sacred mountain Radhošť and it is a significant tourist centre with many monuments. These are for example the baroque church Všech svatých with five alters, the wooden evangelic church, interesting statues and monuments. The town was made famous by its unique museum Valašské muzeum v přírodě (The Wallachian Open Air Museum), which was established in 1925 and it is a national natural and cultural monument. There are 100 monumental items located within four premises. Remember to visit the unique Jurkovič viewing tower which allows you to view the surrounding scenery.
Information center
Masarykovo nám. 131, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm
Phone number: +420 571 759 716, www.roznov.cz
10. Valašské Meziříčí
GPS: N 49°28.30832', E 17°58.26763', 52 km from Zlin
It is a town with a rich history and a town protected area with burgher houses dated from the 16th and 17th century. The most valuable ones are the house U Dvanácti apoštolů, the town hall, vicarage the church called Nanebevzetí Panny Marie and a wide park where the museum with expositions about the history of the town is. A unique place is the Živé muzeum gobelínů, where you can see samples of the historical hand made manufacture and production.
Information center
Komenského 169, Valašské Meziříčí
Phone number: +420 571 684 558, www.info-vm.cz
11. Velké Karlovice
GPS: N 49°21.63817', E 18°17.01320', 59 km from Zlin
It is a municipality with remarkable sights and original timbered buildings. The most significant is the church of Panna Marie Sněžná from 1754 with the grounds of isosceles cross built without the use of a single nail. In the municipality, you can also find Karlovské fojtství (national cultural heritage), the copy of which is located in Valašském muzeum v přírodě (The Wallachian Open Air Museum) in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, and in the former merchant house there is the Karlovské muzeum (Karlovice museum) with an exposition of the history of the municipality, sheepfold and folk craft. Karlovské jezero (Karlovice lake) in the valley of Jezerná is also well-known and it is located 4 km from the centre and connected with many fables and legends, K. J. Erben found the inspiration to write his fables here. You can also visit Národní přírodní rezervace Razula or Bike Park Kyčerka. In the winter there are many well equipped skiing resorts - Skiareál Razula or Skiareál Kyčerka.
Information center
Velké Karlovice 299, Velké Karlovice
Phone number: +420 571 444 039, www.velkekarlovice.cz
12. Vsetín
GPS: N 49°23.38762', E 18°14.63963', 34 km from Zlin
It is a town rich in history, sights and beautiful nature that lies in the valley of Vsetín part of the River Bečva. The oldest historical building is the formal renaissance castle with a 59m tower that serves as a viewing tower. The chateau was widely renovated and was reopened for visitors on 1. 11. 2015. The Muzeum regionu Valašsko (Museum Wallachia) is located here and it is surrounded by an English park with exquisite timber species. Nearby the chateau on Horní náměstí there are other important monuments such as the former manor house Maštaliska, the old town hall with a gallery, the new town hall or the church of Nanebevzetí Panny Marie. There is an educational trail which goes past the sights named. Near the street Palackého, there are the evangelical churches of Horní and Dolní sbor or a house of the former Public credit union with graphite-based on the design of Mikoláš Alš. In Panská zahrada (garden), with the lake you can find a designated place which marks the 18th east longitude. You should not miss the Planetka Vsetín which is a non-traditional sun clock and a barometer located on Dolní náměstí or the functionalistic buildings representing modern architecture. Sport lovers will enjoy the Bike aréna Vsetín.
Information center
Dolní náměstí 1356, Vsetín
Phone number: +420 575 755 144, +420 575 755 111, www.ic-vsetin.cz