Cinemas, theatres
Golden Apple Cinema
square Míru 174, Zlín
Phone number: +420 571 817 255, http://gacinema.cz
Multicinema with six modern halls.
Grand Cinema - CLOSED!!!
square Práce 2511, Zlín
Phone number: +420 577 432 936, websites
City Theatre Zlín
třída Tomáše Bati 4091/32, Zlín
Phone number: +420 577 636 207, +420 737 227 856, e-mail: divadlo@divadlozlin.cz, www.divadlozlin.cz
Ticket office opening hours: Monday-Friday: 11:00-18:00 and an hour before every performance
Malá scéna Zlín
Štefánikova 2987, Zlín
Ticket reservation: +420 608 430 172 or in Café Malá scéna
e-mail: renata@malascenazlin.cz, www.malascenazlin.cz
You can buy the tickets 30 minutes before the performance.